Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Report Card for Std. VIII will be handed over after the Orientation on Friday, 28th March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 12:30 am.
Parents are required to be seated by 12:15 pm.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
KIndly submit the Stream Selection Form by 3:00 PM tomorrow at the school reception.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Report Card for Std. VI will be handed over after the Orientation on Monday, 24th March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 12:30 am.
Parents are required to be seated by 12:15 pm.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Report Card for Std. V will be handed over after the Orientation on Monday, 24th March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 8:30 am.
Parents are required to be seated by 8:15 am.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Report Card for Std. VII will be handed over after the Orientation on Saturday, 22nd March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 2:00pm.
Parents are required to be seated by 1:45pm.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Report Card for Std. IV will be handed over after the Orientation on Friday, 21st March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 12:30 pm.
Parents are required to be seated by 12:15 pm.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Stream Allocation Orientation Programme for Std. XI is scheduled for Friday, 21st March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 9:30 am
Parents are required to be seated by 9:15 am.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. II is Thursday, 13th March 2025.
The Report Card for Std. II will be handed over after the Orientation on Monday, 17th March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 12:30 pm.
Parents are required to be seated by 12:15 am.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Kindly submit the mid day meal cheque of ₹5000/ in favor of Usha Caterings to the Class Teacher for the months of April- September. (₹1000 per month)
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. I is Thursday, 13th March 2025.
The Report Card for Std. I will be handed over after the Orientation on Monday, 17th March 2025.
Venue : Rear Foyer
Time : 8:30 am.
Parents are required to be seated by 8:15 am.
The book set and uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction from the school premises.
Kindly submit the mid day meal cheque of ₹5000/ in favor of Usha Caterings to the Class Teacher for the months of April- September. (₹1000 per month)
Dear Parent
Kindly note:
The School has organised a class picnic for Std. II & III.
Date : 13th March 2025
Day : Thursday
Place : Rocksport Tikling Camp ( Gurugram)
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to the students.
- Students must carry their water bottle.
- Students to reach school at 7:40 am .
- Students should wear I card and must come to school in proper school uniform.
Students should not carry any fizzy drink or money.
Parents are requested to pick their wards from the school at 4:00 pm.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. I , II, III, X and XII is Thursday, 13th March, 2025.
Dear Parent
Kindly note that Std. I & II will have an off on Monday, 10th March, 2025 as our School is a CBSE Board Exam centre.
Dear Parent
Kindly note:
The School has organised a class picnic for Std. 1.
Date : 6th March 2025
Day : Thursday
Place : Rocksport Tikling Camp ( Gurugram)
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to the students.
- Students must carry their water bottle.
- Students to reach school at 7:40 am .
- Students should wear I card and must come to school in proper school uniform.
Students should not carry any fizzy drink or money.
Parents are requested to pick their wards from the school at 4:00 pm.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The Final Examination for Std VI - VIII is scheduled for Saturday, 1st March 2025.
On Saturday, the School buses will ply to and fro for the students who avail the school bus facility.
You may pick your ward up or send a written consent to return home after their exam is over at 12:20 pm.
Dear Parent
Kindly note that Std. V will have an off on Friday, 28th February, 2025 as our School is a CBSE Board Exam centre.
Dear Parent
Kindly note:
The School has organised a class picnic for Std. 4.
Date : 27th February 2025
Day : Thursday
Place : Rocksport Tikling Camp ( Gurugram)
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to the students.
- Students must carry their water bottle.
- Students to reach school at 7:40 am .
- Students should wear I card and must come to school in proper school uniform.
- Students should not carry any fizzy drink or money.
- Parents are requested to pick their wards from the school at 4:00 pm.
Dear Parents
Please Note:
The School will remain closed on Wednesday, 26th February 2025 on account of Maha Shivratri.
Dear Parent
Kindly note:
The School has organised a class picnic for Std. 5.
Date : 25th February 2025
Day : Tuesday
Place : Rocksport Tikling Camp ( Gurugram)
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided to the students.
- Students must carry their water bottle.
- Students to reach school at 7:40 am .
- Students should wear I card and must come to school in proper school uniform.
- Students should not carry any fizzy drink or money.
- Parents are requested to pick their wards from the school at 4:00 pm.
Dear Parent
Kindly note that Std. I - II will have an off on Thursday, 20th February, 2025 as our School is a CBSE Board Exam centre.
Dear Parent
Kindly note that Std. III - V will have an off on Monday, 17th February, 2025 as our School is a CBSE Board Exam centre.
Dear Parent
As you know the CBSE Board Exam for Std. X will begin on Saturday, 15th February 2025.
Being the first exam we would like to bless our students with a short prayer and some instructions.
Please ensure that the students reach School before 8:30 a.m. We will drop them to the exam centre, Paramount International School, Dwarka.
Dear Parent
You are requested to come to School to collect the Admit Card of your ward.
The Admit Card will be available till 4:00 pm on Thursday, 13 February 2025 and Friday, 14 February 2025.
Dear Parents
Please Note:
The School will remain closed on Wednesday, 12th February 2025 on account of Guru Ravidas Jayanti.
Dear Parents
Please Note:
The School will remain closed on Wednesday, 5th February 2025 due to the Legislative Assembly Elections in Delhi.
Dear Parents
The World Book Fair 2025 is being organised at Pragati Maidan, offering the students a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of books.
With an extensive collection of thousands of titles from both Indian and international authors, the fair provides a unique chance to explore literature and engage with renowned writers.
We urge you to take your child to this inspiring event and help nurture their love for reading.
Date: 1 February 2025 to 9 February 2025
Time: 10:00am to 3:00 pm
Venue : Stall No. V02, Hall No. 6
Gate No. 2 ,Bhairon Marg
Pragati Maidan
Dear Parents
Please note that, due to the Traffic Advisory issued by the Delhi Traffic Police for today, 31.01.2025, due to the PM’s visit to Dwarka,
school buses may arrive later than the usual time at their respective stops.
We request you to be present at the designated stops to pick up your child as per the live location details shared by the bus route in-charge in the group.
Dear Parents
Please Note :
As per the circular issued by DOE, you are requested to fill the Sankalp Patra and submit it to your ward’s class teacher.
You may choose one of the following options for submission: Sankalp Patra-1
1. Take a printout, complete it, and send it with your ward by, Wednesday, 29th January 2025.
2. Sign the document digitally and email/ watsapp it to the class teacher by Wednesday, 29th January 2025.
Dear Parents
Please Note :
It is imperative that you encourage your ward to attend the school on 27th Jan 2025.
Feedback will be given on the pre board answer sheets which will help students understand where the lacunae lies.
Std. XII will have a full working day on 27th Jan . They will have practice for Valedictory Ceremony scheduled for
12th February 2025.
Std. X students should carry the consent slip to go back home at 12:00 pm after going through the answer sheets.
Dear Students,
This is to inform you that the Republic Day celebration will now be held on Monday, 27th January 2025.
The house captains and the whole of Std. X to XII will only be present in School on Monday.
We shall honour our nation’s spirit and celebrate your accomplishments, on Monday.
Dear Parents
Please Note:
The Final Examination for Std IX will commence from Friday, 24th Jan 2025 with the AI exam for two hours, followed by regular classes for the day.
From Monday, 27th Jan, students can return home after the exams.
You may pick your ward up or send a written consent to return home after their exam, on their own as school buses will ply as usual at 2:20.
Dear Parents,
Please Note
As per the directive from DOE, physical classes / exams for all the students from Std I - XII will resume at normal timings from Monday, 20th Jan 2025.
Students of Std X, XI and XII should get a written consent from their parents to return home after their exam, on their own as school buses will ply as usual at 2:20.
Dear Parents,
Due to the continuing cold wave, please note the following
- Online classes have been extended for Std I to IX till January 17th.
- Students of Std X , XI and XII will attend school as per their scheduled exams/practicals.
- The online classes will be from 9:00 AM to 1:40 PM.
- The timings for Std X to XII exams/practicals will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
- School buses will ply on all routes.
- PTM for Std I - IX and XI is scheduled for Saturday, 18th Jan 2025.
Please note the timings for your ward’s slot.
Roll No. 1 to 5 (8:00 a.m. to 8.25 am)
Roll No. 6 to 10 (8.30 a.m. to 8:55 a. m.)
Roll No. 11 to 15 (9.00 a.m. to 9:25 a.m.)
Roll No. 16 to 20 (9:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.)
Roll No. 21 to 25 (10:00 a.m. to 10:25 a.m.)
Roll No. 26 to 30 (1O:30 a.m. to 10:55 a. m)
Roll No. 31 to 35 (11:00 a.m. to 11:25 a. m.)
Roll No. 36 to 40 (11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
Kindly adhere to the timings
Dear Parents,
As per the directive from the DOE, please note the following updates regarding classes , practicals and pre board exams
from 10th Jan till 15th Jan.
- Std. I - IX will have Online Classes from tomorrow onwards till 15th January.
- Students of Std. X , XI and XII are required to attend school as per their scheduled exams/practicals.
- The school will operate from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for offline classes/ exams during this period.
- School buses will be running on all routes.
- PTM scheduled for Saturday, 11th Jan is postponed.
Dear Parents,
Please Note :
- Students of Std. X and XII will come to School on Wednesday, 8th Jan 2025 for their Pre board exams.
- Students should get a written consent from their parents to return home after their pre board exams, on their
own as school buses will ply as usual at 2:20 pm
Dear Parents,
It is that time of the year when we can revel in the warmth and joy of the season. We are delighted to invite you to our Christmas Carnival,
a celebration filled with the merriment, entertainment, and delightful treats.
Date: 21st December 2024
Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Venue: School Campus
We look forward to your presence to enjoy a day filled with games & eats.
Sheelu Mathew
Dear Parents,
Please note that our School has NOT received a bomb threat via call / mail. Your ward is safe
and all precautions have been taken by the staff to ensure this.
The School premises have been thoroughly sanitised and inspected by the bomb squad.
The School will function as usual in accordance with the instructions received from DOE.
Dear Parents,
Please Note :
On 12th December, Thursday, the following tests will be conducted.
Class I & II : Language Practice
Class III – V: EVS
Class VI : Hindi
Class VII : English
Class VIII : Hindi
Class IX : Social Science
Class XI :Subject-2 (Math/I.P/Geography/Psy/Physical Education/Painting)
(Std I- VIII , IX & XI will be taking the test that they missed on 2nd December.)
Please note and come prepared.
On 16th December, Monday, the following tests will be conducted.
Class-I -V : English
Class VI : Math
Class VII : Science
Class VIII : Social Science
Class IX : English
Class X : Hindi
Class XI :Physics/Accountancy/ History
Class XII : English
Please note and come prepared.
(Std I- XII will be taking the test that they missed on 9th December.)
On 19th December, Thursday, the following tests will be conducted.
Class-I -V : Math
Class VI : Sanskrit
Class VII : Sanskrit
Class VIII : Sanskrit
(Std I -VIII will take the test that was missed on 16th December.)
Dear Parents,
Please Note :
Physical classes for Std I - XII will begin from Monday, 2nd December 2024.
On 2nd December, Monday, the following tests will be conducted.
Class-I -V : Hindi
Class VI : English
Class VII : Hindi
Class VIII : English
Class IX : Hindi
Class XI : Chemistry/ Business Studies/ Political Science
(Std. I- VIII , IX & XI will be taking the test that they missed on 18th November.)
Class X : English
Class XII : Physics/ Accounts/. History
(Std X & XII will take the test that was missed on 25th November.)
Please note and come prepared.
Dear Parent
As per the DOE directive, physical classes will remain suspended until further notice for classes X and XII due
to the poor air quality levels. Online classes will be held from Tuesday , 19th November. The timetable for the
same shall be shared in the class groups shortly.
Dear Students,
Please Note :
The Periodic Test scheduled for Monday, 18th November is postponed for Std. I - IX and XI.
The new date will be intimated soon.
Std X and XII will have the Periodic Test on Monday, 18th November as scheduled .
Dear Parent
As per the DOE directive, physical classes will remain suspended until further notice for classes I to IX & XII
due to the poor air quality levels. Online classes will be held from Monday, 18th November.
The timetable for the same shall be shared in the class groups shortly.
Note: For Class X and XII, regular physical classes will continue.
The buses will ply for students of Std. X and XII who avail the School transport.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
Students should be wearing the winter uniform from November onwards as mentioned in the School almanac.
House T - shirts should not be worn tomorrow onwards on Wednesdays.
There is a chill in the air in the mornings. Students are advised to wear the sleeveless cardigans
Dear Parents,
Due to the rising levels of pollution in Delhi, we urge all parents to ensure that your wards wear N95 masks
to school. These masks provide better protection against harmful pollutants and will help safeguard their
respiratory health.
Dear Parents,
We have started with our STEM Innovation Lab, where students are engaged in hands-on learning in
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), coding, robotics, and AI.
A special lab timetable has been crafted to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world projects,
fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
This hands-on experience will nurture essential 21st-century skills, preparing them to be future innovators.
Though it is free for all the students for this session to generate their interest in STEM through experiential learning,
it will be a paid activity from the next session.
Dear Students,
Please Note :
The improvement of performance in marks is now open for 2023-24 board classes X and XII.
For Std X, a student can apply in maximum TWO subjects . The date for Std X exams will be from15th July
(date sheet will be released later).
For Std XII, a student can apply ONLY for one subject. Examination for Std XII will be held on 15th July 2024
Students who are interested in giving the improvement exam can apply with application fee of ₹300 before
8th June 2024 .
Please submit an application at the School’s reception stating your name, Board roll number and the subject you
want to give the improvement exam in.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The Extra Classes for Std IX - XII begin from Monday, 20th May 2024.
The students are required to report to school by 7:40am.
The School will give over at 12:30 pm.
Students availing school transport, please note that the buses will ply on all the routes.
Dear Students
Adobe is organising the Summer Online Bootcamp for classes 5 - 12.
Topic - Digital Creativity and AI Skill Accelerator
Click on the link below to register for the Adobe Online Bootcamp and share the screenshot of the registered
window to your Class Teacher.
Thank you
Dear Parent,
The Directorate of Education has issued a “Sankalp Patra”urging children to convince their parents to cast their
vote in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections 2024. The PDF of the same is attached for your signatures.
You may digitally sign the pdf by opening it in the online pdf editor, click at the desired place, type the details and
put your signature *OR* take a printout and sign the pdf. Kindly return the same to the class teacher.
Principal .
Dear Parent
Please Note:
UPI option for the fee payment gateway Easebuzz is now enabled on the School’s website. You may pay your
ward’s fee without any transaction charges.
Steps to be followed are:
1. Login with ID & password.
2. Select payment gateway 2nd option - Easebuzz.
3. Put the verification code captcha.
4. Click I agree to pay and make payment.
5. Select payment method UPI - scan QR code with any UPI app.
You may contact the accounts section for any further clarification.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
Students those who are joining the School after suffering from any contagious diseases (like chickenpox, mumps,
conjunctivitis etc), need to bring medical fitness certificate from the doctor stating that they have recovered from
the infection and are fit to join the School.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
Due to the rising temperatures in Delhi , it is advised that the students take note of the following.
- They must carry a water bottle to School every day.
- They may refill their bottles in the School.
- The students going on their own should carry an umbrella / cap to protect them from sun.
Dear Parents
In view of the safety and security of our students, School is adopting the following measures which we request
you to strictly adhere to :
*No parent/visitor will be permitted in the school premises from 7:45 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. till further intimation.
*Courtesy and safety demands that we remain calm and adhere to the instructions and cooperate with the school
in situations of emergency.
*You are requested not to send any tiffins/notebooks/art material/costume etc (that your ward may have
forgotten at home) during school hours.
*If your ward is unwell, please do not send him/her to school.
*Half day leave will not be granted for any reason unless it’s an emergency.
Dear Parents,
We want to reassure you that the school has implemented necessary safety measures to ensure the well-being
of our students. The school has been inspected by the police squad, and we can confirm that all students are safe.
There is no need for panic or concern.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we prioritize the safety and security of our school community.
Dear Parent,
Please Note:
• The Investiture Ceremony will be held in the School on Saturday, 27th April 2024.
• Students from classes VIII - XII will come to witness this ceremony at 2:30 pm.
• The school buses will ply on their regular routes. The first pick up will be at 2:30 p.m.
• All students must wear their House T-shirts.
• The students must bring their water bottle and snacks.
• The Investiture Ceremony will commence at 5 p.m.
• The school bus will leave the School between 6:45 p.m and 7:00 pm.
The bus route incharges will notify you by sharing the live location in the group.
Dear Parents
Kindly note that the District Task Force for Immunisation, exhorts parents to get their wards vaccinated against
Tetanus & Diphtheria (Td). It is crucial for the students of Class 6 (10 years ) up till Std 12( 19 years) to get this
done at the earliest. This vaccination is available free of cost at the nearest Government of Delhi Health Facilities.
We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity.
You may view the entire National Immunisation schedule, at GOI website
Dear Parent,
Please Note: Thursday, 11th April, 2024 will be a holiday on account of Eid-ul-Fitr.
SMSD/2024/46 04.04.20244
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The School reopens for Std. XI on Friday, 5th April 2024.
The students are required to report to school by 7:40am.
Thank you
Sheelu Mathew
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The School reopens for Std. I on Thursday, 4th April 2024.
The students are required to report to school by 7:40am.
Thank you
Sheelu Mathew
SMSD/2024/44 02.04.2024
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The School reopens for Std II - X and XII on Wednesday, 3rd April 2024.
The students are required to report to school by 7:40am.
Thank you
Sheelu Mathew
Dear Parent,
Please find attached the PowerPoint presentation and the Google form link to select the stream and subjects of
your ward’s choice for Std. XI session 2024-25.
It is imperative that you confer with your ward on the subjects that are to be chosen. Allow them to make their
own choices after discussion on the career paths available for each of the streams. Should you require any help
in this regard, you are most welcome to talk to our counsellor.
*Note : The last day to fill the form is 25th March 2024.*
Warm regards
Dear Parents,
Please note that bringing holi colours to school is strictly forbidden.
Strict action will be taken in case any student is found playing with holi colours in School or in the bus.
Kindly cooperate and ensure that your ward does not do this.
Thank you
Sheelu Mathew
Dear Parent
Please Note:
**The Orientation for Std. X going to Std. XI is on Saturday, 16th March 2024**
*Venu* : Rear Foyer
**Time* : 2: 00 p.m**
SMSD/2024/40 11.03.2024
Dear Parent,
Please Note :
**Std I - V have a Holiday today **
Due to P.M. Modi’s visit to Dwarka, the advisory issued by the Traffic Police, states that the traffic movement in
Dwarka will be affected/ restricted. In this regard, there will be *No Exam and classes* for Std. I - V today i.e. 11th March 2024.
*Exam scheduled for today will be held tomorrow. **
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. IX and XI is Tuesday, 12th March 2024.
*The Orientation and Report Card for Std. IX and XI is on Friday, 15th March 2024*
*Venue* : Rear Foyer
*Time* : 2:00 pm.
The report card will be handed over after the orientation.
The book set and the uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. VI - VIII is Saturday, 16th March 2024.
**The Orientation and Report Card for Std. VI is on 20th March 2024( Wednesday )**
*Venue* : Rear Foyer
*Time* : 11:00a. m
The report card will be handed over after the orientation.
The book set and the uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction.
Thank you
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The last working day for Std. I to V is Friday 15th March 2024.
**The Orientation and Report Card for Std. V is on 21st March 2024( Thursday)**
*Venue* : Rear Foyer
*Time* : 10:30 a. m.
The report card will be handed over after the orientation.
The book set and the uniform can be purchased using cash or through online transaction.

Dear Parent
Kindly Note:
Final Exams for Std. VI-IX & XI will begin from 20th February, 2024.
For Std. VI-IX & XI, the school timings from 20th February, 2024 will be from 7:40 a.m. till 12:20 p.m.
Students must be in School before 7:30 a.m.
Monday 19th February, 2024 will be preparatory leave for Std. VI-IX & XI.
Final Exams will be of three hours duration.
Timing for Final Exams
8:00-8:15 a.m - Distribution of Papers Dear Parent
Kindly Note:
8:15-8.30 a.m - Reading Time
8:30-11:30 a.m - Exam Writing Time
11:30-11:40 a.m – Collection and submission of answer sheets
11:40-12:00 noon - Break Time
12:00 noon – Freeze Bell and reporting back to the exam room.
12.10 a.m - Prayer
12.20 p.m - Dispersal
12:30 p.m – Buses will leave
The students for Std. VI-IX & XI will have preparatory leave on 19th February, 2024 and the day when
no exam is scheduled.
During the Final Exam the School will give over for all the classes at 12.20 p.m.

Term2 Exams for Std. III-V will begin from 29th February, 2024.
For Std. I-V, the school timings from 20th February, 2024 will be from 7:40 a.m. till 12:20 p.m.
Students must be in School before 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday 28th February, 2024 will be preparatory leave for Std. III-V.
Std. I & II will have regular school till 12:20 p.m.
Term2 Exams will be of two hours duration.
Timing for Term2 Exams
8:00-8:15 a.m. - Distribution of Papers
8:15-8.30 a.m. - Reading Time
8:30-10:30 a.m. - Exam Writing Time
10:30-10:40 a.m. – Collection and submission of answer sheets
10:40-11:00 a.m. - Break Time
11:00 a.m. – Freeze Bell and reporting back to the class room.
11.10 a.m.-12:10 p.m – Class Activity
12:10 p.m - Prayer
12.20 p.m - Dispersal
12:30 p.m – Buses will leave
The students for Std. III-V will have preparatory leave on 28th February, 2024 and the day when
no exam is scheduled.
During the Term2 Exam the School will give over for all the classes at 12.20 p.m.
Std. I & II will continue with the Monday test scheduled as given in the almanac.

Dear students,
It’s time to say adieu. You have been an integral part of our lives for all these years. As we bid you farewell,
we wish you to take with you good memories and our blessings. You are cordially invited to the
Valedictory Ceremony on Saturday, 10th February 2024. Kindly report to school by 4:30 pm.
Dress code – Formals
Boys – Suit
Girls – Saree
Thank you
Principal & staff
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The School will resume to its regular timings from Wednesday 7th Feb 2024 onwards. Students should be in the
school ten minutes before 7:40 am ie at 7:30 am .
*The buses will ply as per the regular school timings.*
Dear Parent,
Please note that the day picnic for std 6, which was scheduled for Friday Feb 2nd , stands cancelled due to bad weather .
Tomorrow will be a normal working day for the students.
Dear Parent,
Please pay your Ward's school fee for February & March' 24 on or before 10th February' 24 to facilitate their board exam formalities.
Dear Parents
The School will be closed on Monday, January 22, 2024 for the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The School timings will be 8:40 am to 2:30 pm from Monday, 22nd January 2024 onwards.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
Due to the severe cold wave condition in Delhi, the School shall reopen with changed timings for the students of
Classes I - XII from Monday, 15th January 2024 .
The students are required to reach the School at 8:40 am .
The School will give over at 3:00 pm.
** The buses will ply one hour late in the morning and will leave the School at 3:10 pm in the afternoon.* *
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The 20th Republic Day Painting Competition is being organized by Dwarka City at Sector-11, DDA Sports Complex,
Dwarka at 2:00 pm on Friday, 26th January 2024 to mark the 76th Anniversary of Indian Republic.
“On the spot” painting competition is divided into three categories:
i) 3 to 6 years
ii) 7 to 10 years
iii) 11 to 14 years
iv) Special Category (above 15 years including senior citizens)
Three prizes and one consolation will be given in each category.
There is no entry fee.
Registration will be done on the spot.
The participation is not compulsory.
Dear Parent
Please Note -
CBSE along with the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Govt. of India has asked each student to take an E- pledge
against drugs to spread awareness against all ill-effects of drugs.
Please follow the steps to take the pledge and share the certificate with your class teacher.
Dear Students
The Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India is launching ‘PRERANA:
The School of Experiential Learning’ program which is a one-of-its-kind inspirational program for students of class
9th to 12th. It is a one-week residential program for 20 students (10 girls and 10 boys) from 10 districts of different
States/ UTs at the PRERANA School, Vadnagar, Gujarat.
registration can be done on the same portal till 13.01.2024.
Video link for information.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
As per the directive issued by DOE, the School shall reopen for the students of Classes VI - XII from
Monday, 8th January 2024 .
Dear Parent
Please Note :
As per the directive issued by DOE, the School will remain closed for the students of Classes I - V till
12th January 2024 due to the cold weather.
The time table for the online classes for Std I - V will be shared soon.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
We have just been notified that the government has ordered the Zoo to be closed for tomorrow, even for
School groups.
Thus Std. IV will have regular School tomorrow as the picnic is postponed. The new date for the same shall be
intimated after the vacations.
Dear Parents
Season’s Greetings!
Invitation for Christmas Carnival.
A warm and special invite for each one of you to the Annual School Fete on Saturday, December 16, 2023 from
11 am. onwards, as we usher in the Christmas spirit of love, peace and joy.
There’ll be an exciting variety of food and games stalls for children and adults to regale each one.
Do come with your family and friends for a fun-filled day.
Warm Regards
Dear Parent,
Please Note:
The latest newsletter has been uploaded on the school’s website. Kindly go through it to know the activities
that have been undertaken by your ward from August till November 2023.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
Kindly make arrangements to return the Annual Day costumes which were on rent, at the earliest.
Please pack it well and submit at the school gate / reception along with
- Full Name of the student
- Class and section
- Item participated in
- phone no
Kindly submit the cheque in favour of ST. MARY'S SCHOOL DWARKA.
Please mention the same details on the reverse side of the cheque.
Please ignore if have already submitted the same.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
As per the directive issued by DOE, the School will remain closed for the students of Classes I - XII till
9th November 2023 due to AQI breaching the severe category.
The time table for the online classes for Std I - XII will be shared soon.
Kindly note that the health check up of students of classes VI - XI by AIIMS Health Survey team will be
conducted post Diwali break.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
Considering the AQI level & the request from the students, after the successful completion of the Annual Day, a holiday has
been granted for Std VI -XII on Monday, November 6, 2023. Please note: students of std I - V will have online classes from
November 6 to November 9. The School will close for the Diwali break from November 10 to 19 November.
Dear Parent
Subject: Invitation to Annual Day on November 4, 2023 at 5.00 p.m.
The Annual Day is an essential part of our academic calendar. It serves as a culmination of our student’s hard work and
provides them a platform to showcase their talents.
This year we not only celebrate our students but shed light on an important global initiative- the 17 SDGs set forth by
the United Nations.
You are cordially invited to the Annual Day on November 4, 2023 at 5.00 p.m. Entry will be stopped soon after.
After the function, kindly pick up your wards from the stage when the announcement of your wards’ class is made.
For security reasons please do not enter the School building.
Dear Parent
Please Note:
The School will be closed for Std. I-V on Friday, 3rd November, 2023 on account of dress rehearsal for the
Sr. School Annual Day.
Dear Parent
Please Note : The School will be closed on Saturday, 28th October on account of Valmiki Jayanti.
The PTM for Std VI - XII , retests and the astronomy sessions stand postponed. New dates shall be intimated to you.
Thank you
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The winter uniform should be worn from 1st November.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The schedule for the first term exam for Happiness Curriculum and Desh Bhakti Curriculum is as follows:
Happiness Curriculum on Thursday, 26th October
Desh Bhakti Curriculum on Friday, 27th October.
The schedule for the first term exam for Entrepreneurship Skills and Desh Bhakti Curriculum is as follows:
Entrepreneurship Skills on Thursday, 26th October
Desh Bhakti Curriculum on Friday, 27th October.
Dear Parents,
The Delhi Government has initated a "National Mass Deworming' scheme for all students. The students will be
asked to consume a chewable tablet after tiffin time on October 13, 2023. Kindly send the consent form duly filled and signed tomorrow.
Dear Parent
Please Note :
The Government of India, in collaboration with the Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB), to raise awareness about the
harmful effects of drugs and promote a drug-free society has launched an e-pledge titled “ Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs”.
Please help your ward to take the pledge.
Steps to take the pledge:
1. Visit the link mentioned below:
2.Click on take pledge button.
3. Fill the details and proceed to take the pledge by selecting the language preferred.
Hindi Olympiad 2023-2024
Dear Parents
Kindly note:
1.Registration is open for Hindi Olympiad , 2023-2024
2. Exam will be conducted offline on 17th November 2023 for classes 1st to 10th.
3.Registration fees Rupees 150/-
4. For Std. I & II exam will be conducted during school hours. Std. III-XII exam will happen after the school hour
(2:30 pm-3:30 pm). Parents need to make arrangement to pick up their ward after exam.
5.The registration fees need to be paid in cheque in the favour of 'HINDI UTKARSH MANDAL.'
6.Kindly fill the cheque and submit it to your class teacher .
7.The cheque should have the following details at the backside:
Name of the student, Class/Sec and Phone no.
8. Last date for registration is 4 October 2023. For more information pls visit the given website
Dear Parents
Kindly Note:
The students for Std III- V will have preparatory leave on 26th Sept. and 27th Sept. 2023.
28th September will be a holiday on account of Eid - e-Milad.
During the First Term Exams the School will give over for all the classes at 12.O0 noon.
SMSD/2023/7 15.09.2023
Dear Parent
Please Note :
As the Hindi Term Exam for Std. III-V was preponed to 15th September 2023, now Tuesday 19th September till
22nd September will be regular working days for Std. III - V. The School will give over for all the classes at 12.00 noon
from 15th September till 3rd October 2023.
Dear Parent
Kindly note:
The School has organised a class picnic for Std. I and Std. II tomorrow, 14.09.2023.
Venue: Eco Adventure Camp, Najafgarh.
*Breakfast, Lunch and snacks will be provided to the students.
*Students need to carry their water bottle.
*Students should reach school before 7:40 am. The school buses will ply as usual in the morning but with
much fewer students. The bus teacher will wait for your ward at the bus stop till the usual time. Therefore
please inform your ward’s bus route teacher if your ward will be not using the bus and you would prefer to
drop the child yourself to school before 7:40.
- For the students commuting by van, parents are requested to inform the van driver today itself as only
Std I and II will be coming to School tomorrow and Std III - XII have preparatory leave on 14/9/2023.
*Students should wear the I card and must come to school in proper and full school uniform. Please keep
a cap in their bag and ensure that it is labelled.
*Students should not carry any fizzy drink or money.
If for any reason, you do not wish to send your ward for the picnic, please consider it an off day for her/him.
Parents are requested to pick their wards from the school at 4:00 pm.
Dear Parents
Olympiads are internationally recognized competitions in various fields of knowledge.
IAPT( Indian association of Physics teachers) conducts *NSEJS* ( National Standard Examination in Junior science)
which is the first step for International Science Olympiad (ISO)
Students born between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2010 are eligible to appear for this exam.
*Details are as follows:
*Date of the exam : 26th November 2023
*Exam Fee: Rs.200
*Syllabus: Physics, Chemistry and Biology upto CBSE std X level
*Last Date of Registration : 14th September 2023.
*Registration: Students can register online through website
Dear Parent
Please Note : The School will be closed from Thursday, 7th September to 9th September on account of Janmashtami and the G20 Summit.
Dear Parent
Please note the following change in the First Term Exam schedule.
First Term Exam of Hindi for Std. III -V which was scheduled for Thursday 21st September 2023 will now be held on
**Friday, 15th September 2023* due to unavoidable circumstances.
Dear Parent
Kindly Note:
Term 1 Exams for Std.III-XII will begin from 15th September 2023.
The School timings from 15th September till 3rd October 2023 will be from 7.40 a.m till 12.00 noon. Students must be in School before 7:30 am.
Thursday 14th September will be preparatory leave for Std. III-XII.
Term 1 Exams for **Std. IX - XII **will be of three hours duration.
Timing for Term Exams
8: 10 -8:15 a. m - Distribution of Papers
8: 15- 8.30 a. m - Reading Time
8:30-11:30 a. m - Exam Writing Time
11:30 -11. 50 a. m - Break Time
11.50 a.m - Prayer
12.00 p.m - Dispersal
The students for Std IX - XII will have preparatory leave on the day when no exam is scheduled.
During the First Term Exam the School will give over for all the classes at 12.00 noon.
Dear parents
Subject: Advisory on Conjunctivitis (Eye Flu) prevention.
Delhi is witnessing a sudden outbreak of conjunctivitis (Eye Flu) since heavy rains, water logging and floods lashed the
national capital in the last few days. Cases of pink eye are being reported in higher numbers. As we all know that,
Conjunctivitis (Eye Flu), or pink eye, is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the
eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or bacterial or viral infections. Conjunctivitis (Eye Flu) can be extremely contagious
and is spread by contact with eye secretions from someone who is infected.
Preventing the eye flu is necessary for avoiding the inconveniences caused by the infection. One must maintain good hygiene
which includes washing hands and avoiding touching eyes with bare or unwashed hands. One must also avoid sharing personal
belongings like towels, lenses or glasses. The area where you live should be cleaned properly.
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
Date - 26.05.2022
Dear Parents,
St Mary’s School, Dwarka is initiating ‘Recyclable Trash Collection’ drive on the occasion of ‘World Environment Day ‘ and ‘World Ocean Day’ to sensitize the students to protect their environment.
Kindly encourage your ward to be an ambassador of this drive, and support this initiative by helping him to collect recyclable trash to raise awareness about clean and green environment.
Let us work together to make this planet a better place to live in.
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
Mid-Day Meal Circular
Date - 17.05.2022
Dear Parents,
At St. Mary’s School Dwarka, we are always working towards enhancing our students’ experience at school.
With that in mind, we are introducing mid-day meals for all students of classes I, II& III. The healthy meals, cooked in hygienic conditions will be served under the supervision of the teachers, ensuring all safety measures. Students will be served well-balanced hot meals featuring seasonal vegetables.
Our goal with the above initiative is to inculcate the habit of healthy eating among our students. Teachers will also encourage good table manners and zero food wastage.
To enable the caterer to make the necessary arrangements before the mid-day meal starts in the month of July, you are requested to submit a quarterly cheque of Rs.2700/- to the class teacher on the P.T.M. scheduled on 21.05.22. In case you are not able to make the quarterly payment, you may pay a monthly cheque of Rs.900/-.
Note: The cheque should be in the favour of ‘Usha Caterings’ services.
The monthly menu of the mid-day-meal will be available on school’s website for your reference.
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
September 7, 2018
Periodic Test 1 2018-19 |
Date |
Day |
VI |
IX |
X |
XI |
10-09-2018 |
Monday |
Computer |
Computer |
Computer |
Computer |
*** |
*** |
*** |
11-09-2018 |
Tuesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Math/IP/Geo/Psy |
Phy/Accts/Hist. |
12-09-2018 |
Wednesday |
Sanskrit |
Hindi |
English |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
13-09-2018 |
Thursday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Science / Home Science |
S.St |
*** |
*** |
14-09-2018 |
Friday |
Science |
S.St |
Math |
*** |
*** |
Chem/B.St/Pol Sc. |
Bio/Eco/Comp Sc./Ph.Ed |
17-09-2018 |
Monday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Math / Music |
Math / Music |
English |
Chem/B.St/Pol Sc./Info.St & Ret. |
18-09-2018 |
Tuesday |
Math |
Science |
S.St |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
19-09-2018 |
Wednesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
English |
Hindi |
*** |
*** |
20-09-2018 |
Thursday |
English |
Sanskrit |
Hindi |
*** |
*** |
Bio/Eco/Comp Sc./Ph.Ed |
English |
24-09-2018 |
Monday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Phy/Accts/Hist. |
Math/IP/Geo/Psy/Lib. Sys. & Res. Mgt/Phy Ed. |
25-09-2018 |
Tuesday |
S.St |
Math |
Science |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
26-09-2018 |
Wednesday |
- |
- |
- |
S.St |
Science / Home Science |
*** |
*** |
27-09-2018 |
Thursday |
Hindi |
English |
Sanskrit |
*** |
*** |
Sixth Subject |
Sixth Subject |
28-09-2018 |
Friday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Hindi |
English |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Preparatory Leave |
VI - XII |
8.15 - 8.30 am |
Reading Time |
8.30 - 11.30 am |
Exam Writing |
11.30 - 11.45 am |
Break(Freeze Bell) |
12:00 pm |
Dispersal |
12:15 pm |
Buses Leave |
1. Due to the exam schedule of the senior classes, school will give over at 12:00 noon for ALL CLASSES I-XII from 10th September, 2018. Classes I-V will have regular classes. |
2. Buses and Van will leave the school at 12:15 pm. Self students will leave the school at 12:30 p.m. |
{Sheelu Mathew}
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
Feb 9, 2018
Date |
Day |
VI |
IX |
XI |
12-02-2018 |
Monday |
Computer Sc. |
Computer Sc. |
Computer Sc. |
*** |
*** |
13-02-2018 |
Tuesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
14-02-2018 |
Wednesday |
Maha Shivratri |
15-02-2018 |
Thursday |
Preparatory Leave |
16-02-2018 |
Friday |
Sanskrit |
Sanskrit |
Sanskrit |
Computer Sc. |
*** |
17-02-2018 |
Saturday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
18-02-2018 |
Sunday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
19-02-2018 |
Monday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Hindi |
English |
20-02-2018 |
Tuesday |
Social Science |
Hindi |
Math |
*** |
*** |
21-02-2018 |
Wednesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
22-02-2018 |
Thursday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
English |
Bio/Eco/Comp Sc./Ph.Ed |
23-02-2018 |
Friday |
English |
Social Science |
Science |
*** |
*** |
24-02-2018 |
Saturday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
25-02-2018 |
Sunday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
26-02-2018 |
Monday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Math |
Physics/Accounts/History |
27-02-2018 |
Tuesday |
Science |
Math |
English |
*** |
*** |
28-02-2018 |
Wednesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
01-03-2018 |
Thursday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Science |
Chemistry/B.St/Pol Sc./Lib. Class. & Cat. |
02-03-2018 |
Friday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
03-03-2018 |
Saturday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
04-03-2018 |
Sunday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
05-03-2018 |
Monday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Social Science |
Math/IP/Geo/Psy/Lib. Info. & Soc. |
06-03-2018 |
Tuesday |
Math |
Science |
Social Science |
*** |
*** |
07-03-2018 |
Wednesday |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Physical Education |
08-03-2018 |
Thursday |
Hindi |
English |
Hindi |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Preparatory Leave |
1. Due to the exam schedule of the Senior classes, school will give over at 12:00 pm for ALL CLASSES I-IX and XI from 16th February, 2018. |
2. Buses will leave the school at 12:15 p.m. Self and Van students will leave the school at 12:30 p.m. |
3. Last working day for
Std. I-V Friday, 16th March,2018
Std. VI-VIII Thursday,8th March,
Std. XI Monday, 5th March,2018 |
4. Extra classes for Std. X and XII will begin from 15th March, 2018 |
5. Books and Uniforms will be sold in the school by the vendors on the report card days of the respective classes only. |
TIMINGS 8:30 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. |
Wednesday |
14th March,2018 |
Std. IX & XI |
Monday |
2nd April, 2018 |
Std. II to IX & XII |
Saturday |
24th March, 2018 |
Std. I & VII |
Monday |
9th April, 2018 |
Std. I |
Monday |
26th March, 2018 |
Std. II, III & VIII |
Monday |
16th April, 2018 |
Std. XI |
Tuesday |
27th March, 2018 |
Std. IV,V & VI |
Wednesday |
28th March, 2018 |
Std. I Orientation |
{Sheelu Mathew}
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
April 25, 2017
Dear Parents
The school will be closed on the 28th April, 2017 on account of the Investiture Ceremony in the evening.
Thank You
{Sheelu Mathew}
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
February 16, 2017
DateSheet - Summative Assement II 2017
Date |
Day |
VI |
IX |
X |
XI |
23-Feb-17 |
Thursday |
Comp Science |
Comp Science |
Comp Science |
Math/IP/Geo/Psy/Lib Info & Soc |
24-Feb-17 |
Friday |
Maha Shivratri |
Maha Shivratri |
Maha Shivratri |
Maha Shivratri |
Maha Shivratri |
Maha Shivratri |
25-Feb-17 |
Saturday |
26-Feb-17 |
Sunday |
27-Feb-17 |
Monday |
** |
** |
** |
English Elective |
28-Feb-17 |
Tuesday |
Science |
Math |
** |
01-Mar-17 |
Wednesday |
** |
** |
** |
Math Practicals |
Science Practicals X B, X C |
** |
02-Mar-17 |
Thursday |
** |
** |
** |
Comp Science |
Comp Science |
** |
03-Mar-17 |
Friday |
Hindi |
Sanskrit |
Hindi |
Chemistry/BSt/Pol Sci./Lib Class & Cata. |
04-Mar-17 |
Saturday |
05-Mar-17 |
Sunday |
06-Mar-17 |
Monday |
** |
** |
** |
Bio/Eco/Comp Sci/Phy Edu |
07-Mar-17 |
Tuesday |
Math |
Science |
** |
08-Mar-17 |
Wednesday |
** |
** |
** |
** |
09-Mar-17 |
Thursday |
** |
** |
** |
** |
10-Mar-17 |
Friday |
Science |
Math |
English |
Phy/Acc/History |
11-Mar-17 |
Saturday |
12-Mar-17 |
Sunday |
13-Mar-17 |
Monday |
14-Mar-17 |
Tuesday |
Sanskrit/French |
English |
15-Mar-17 |
Wednesday |
Math/H.Sc. |
Science |
16-Mar-17 |
Thursday |
English |
Hindi |
Sanskrit |
** |
** |
17-Mar-17 |
Friday |
** |
** |
18-Mar-17 |
Saturday |
19-Mar-17 |
Sunday |
20-Mar-17 |
Monday |
SST/ Painting/ Music |
Math/ H.Sc. |
21-Mar-17 |
Tuesday |
** |
** |
22-Mar-17 |
Wednesday |
** |
** |
23-Mar-17 |
Thursday |
English |
Hindi |
24-Mar-17 |
Friday |
** |
** |
25-Mar-17 |
Saturday |
26-Mar-17 |
Sunday |
27-Mar-17 |
Monday |
Science/ Painting |
SST/ Painting |
28-Mar-17 |
Tuesday |
** |
** |
29-Mar-17 |
Wednesday |
** |
** |
30-Mar-17 |
Thursday |
Hindi |
English |
* Preparatory Leave |
Schedule from 23rd February 2017 to 30th March 2017
• The school will give over at 12:00 noon for Std. I-XI and buses will leave at 12:15 p.m. Kindly pick up your ward accordingly.
• Std. VIII will write SA2 Examination for 90 marks of 3 hrs. duration. The syllabus for the SA2 Examination will be given to the students. Please check the School Almanac for the same.
Class VIII-X Class VI-VII
8:15 a.m. -8:30 a.m. - Reading Time 9:15a.m.-9:30 a.m. - Reading Time
8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. - Exam Writing Time 9:30a.m.-11:30 a.m. - Exam Writing Time
11:30 a.m. - Break 11:30 a.m. - Break
11:45 a.m. - Freeze bell followed by dispersal
11:50 a.m. - Students move back to their respective examination rooms for prayer followed by dispersal
{Sheelu Mathew}
St. Mary's School, Dwarka
November 16, 2016
Dear Parents The Principal, Staff, and Students of St. Mary’s School, Dwarka cordially invite you to the Annual Day at 6 p.m. on the school premises Parents must be seated by 5:30 p.m.
Note: In view of the Annual Day, please note down the schedule.
1) The school will remain closed on the 17th & 18th of November, 2016 for non-participants and students of Std. I – V.
2) Thursday – November 17, 2016: Buses will ply and the 1st pick-up will be at 1:00 p.m. and will leave from the school at 7:00 p.m. after the rehearsal. Kindly pick up your ward from the bus stop accordingly.
3) Friday – November 18, 2016: Buses will ply and the 1st pick-up will be at 2:00 p.m. Parents are required to pick up their wards from School after the show.
Thank You
{Sheelu Mathew}